The AIU said in a statement that a charge was issued against Wanjiru for the “use of a prohibited substance/method,” but the Kenyan said he was clean and had never used doping.
His management company Volare Sports said the charge by the sport’s independent AIU was based on “alleged abnormal variations in the haematological profile” in Wanjiru’s ABP.
ABPs are used to monitor selected biological variables over time that indirectly reveal the effects of doping rather than attempting to detect the substance or method itself.
Under anti-doping rules, Wanjiru, 27, is barred from competing until a hearing has taken place into the allegation.
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“I am clean in the sports I do,” he was quoted as saying in a statement issued by Volare Sports. “I feel I am already seen as a sinner of doping, but I am not. I am innocent.”
“I stand for clean sports. My results of the past came through hard work only. I have never used doping,” he added.
“We are currently investigating the case. Knowing I have never used anything, I have faith that everything will be alright.”
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Volare Sports said no prohibited substance was found. “The accusation is based on an assumption,” it added. “We are already trying to get to the bottom of this in order to find the truth.”
Article Credit:
Original Author: Omar Mohammed of Reuters
Article Syndicated from Reuters