Just when you think you're tough enough


Vivacious Selena Gomez brightens Adidas Neo’s Summer 2015


Kick off the beach vibes with Selena Gomez’s NEO Spring Summer collection of 2015 with bright, vibrant colours for you to hit downtown or the beach!

Adidas Neo Label continues with part 2 of the Selena Gomez inspired collection, taking the global style icon to the next level with city styled sportswear in vivacious colours aptly reflecting her young spirit.

“What I’m really stoked about with this collection is that it’s very bright – and that represents where I am too, which is really fun. Welcome to my bright wonderland!” says Gomez.

Adidas Neo Denim Jacket

Still bouncing with energy and still dancing in sunny downtown LA while trying out the new Neo collection, Selena Gomez picks out her favourite, a blue denim jacket which says ‘Shine on Neo’.



Selena Gomez Adidas Neo Spring Summer Collection 2015
We all scream for Ice cream, only this Summer!

Dress up your feet in vivacious, trendy footwear with NEO Snap sandals, ballerina flats in pink blush tones or Neo Kicks in high-cut sneakers.

Adidas Neo snap sandals SelenaGomez
Neo Snap Sandals. Image from Twitter
Neo Kicks. Image from Twitter

Selena Gomez Adidas Neo Spring Summer Collection 2015

Don’t forget to pick out your outfit for the  on May 13th with Selena Gomez.

Image from Twitter

Follow @adidasneolabel to find out how you could win one look or the entire collection. #SelenasNEObeach