The world needs heroes and in the Triathlon world, two brothers were born to bring the swim-bike-run routine into the limelight. Alistair and Jonny Brownlee are world champions in their own right, with sibling rivalry inspiring each other to greater heights.
The Brownlee brothers have broken records including being the first pair of brothers to be on the Olympic podium together since 1908. Now go on and beat that!
CNN ventured on a series named Human to Hero, to get to the heart of what it takes to be a sporting star, exploring the discipline, dedication and determination involved, as well as the sources of inspiration for the world’s best triathletes.
The dynamic duo even has a yogurt brand. How often you can put your own brand of yogurt in your shopping basket?
Watch a teaser feature on the Brownlees in CNN’s Human to Hero series, sharing some secrets and inside jokes.
Watch the full video on CNN linked here, on these top triathletes winning the world over.
Source: CNN and Youtube.