In bringing the world of obstacle racing to home viewers, Tough Mudder has announced another new TV show featuring their popular obstacle race premiering in 2017.
The show will be aired on the CW network co-owned by CBS and Warner Bros, featuring six episodes on a team of regular people as they train and prepare to run a Tough Mudder together.
Tough Mudder has already announced plans with the CBS Sports Network for TV coverage of World’s Toughest Mudder. CBS Sports Network will air three shows previewing, showing, and recapping World’s Toughest Mudder this December, as well as coverage next year of the Toughest Mudder series.
The CW show will not focus on the elite athletes of World’s Toughest Mudder. Instead, it will highlight the essence of obstacle racing, featuring “everyday heroes” with inspirational stories of people who have overcome challenges in their life and found community through Tough Mudder.