Just when you think you're tough enough


Tips for CrossFit Open Workout 17.3


If the CrossFit Open workout 17.3 seems like rocket science, don’t fret. Nicole Carroll has some workout tips for you to complete the workout.

CrossFit Open workout 17.3

Prior to 8:00, complete:
3 rounds of:
6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 squat snatches, 95 lb.
Then, 3 rounds of:
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 squat snatches, 135 lb.
*Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of:
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
4 squat snatches, 185 lb.
*Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of:
9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
3 squat snatches, 225 lb.
*Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of:
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 squat snatches, 245 lb.
Prior to 24:00, complete 3 rounds of:
11 chest-to-bar pull-ups
1 squat snatch 265 lb.

*If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4 minutes.


In a nutshell, the key is to strategise and plan your workout according to your strength. The main trick to this workout, is that after every 3 complete rounds, the reps of the pull-up will increase, the reps of the snatch will decrease, and the barbell will get heavier.

This workout is over when you complete all the required work prior to 24 minutes or fails to complete all the repetitions within the cutoff time for a section. Your score will be your time if you complete the workout or the number of repetitions completed up to their cutoff time.

You still have some time to send in your workout, so get in there and make the best of it.

Watch Nicole Carroll here for some tips, courtesy of