CrossFit might be taking the world by storm, but there’s a little tornado brewing in Jacksonville, Florida in the USA.
More than 400 athletes around the First Coast in Florida, USA geared up for one of the biggest local CrossFit competitions that took place over the weekend. CrossFit gyms known as boxes, competed to see who has the fittest athletes and the conclusion was 16-year-old Autumn Hutchinson.
The teenager just started the 11th grade at Duval Charter High School. But she’s not your average 16-year-old. In the 2016 CrossFit Open she ranked 24th in the world in the teen division.
“I really love the feeling I get of touching a barbell, teenage girls don’t like to look muscular or so I say a little more athletic but I love the way I look,” said Autumn Hutchinson.
She told us her brother has been her inspiration.
“My clean and jerk I’m at 180 and my snatch is at 150 as I know of right now so I’m excited to hit some new one rep maxes and see all my numbers go up,” said Hutchinson.
Those who know her say what they admire the most about her is not the amount of weight on her bar, but the size of her heart.