Just when you think you're tough enough


Team KAT flies the Malaysian flag at Red Bull Can You Make It?

Red Bull Can You Make It? voting has officially ended. Team K.A.T has been selected and will embark on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to represent Malaysia across Europe where they will have to rely on their wit, charm, sense of adventure and cans of Red Bull as their only form of currency.

Team K.A.T was chosen out of 73 other applicants to represent Malaysia in this year’s edition of Red Bull Can You Make it? Their submission video was chosen among many other applicants for their creativity, originality, and uniqueness, exhibiting perfectly why they should be selected. Team K.A.T comprises of university students Syed Abdul Kabir,(21); Aiman Hamizan, (21); Batrisyia Haji Ismail, (22).

Malaysia’s Team K.A.T comprises of university students Syed Abdul Kabir, Aiman Hamizan and Batrisyia Haji Ismail.

Team K.A.T stands for Knowledge, Attitude and Teamwork. Aiman has the gift of the gab which will come in handy in the competition, Syed is the rough macho guy who is into extreme sports, and Batrisyia is the creative, bubbly, spirited force behind the team. Together they have good chemistry and complement each other’s skills. Our boys (and girl!) will have a thrilling time racing all over Europe, home of the Red Bull blue/silver  can, against teams from 56 other countries who are just as passionate about winning the competition.

There is also a special team consisting of participants from around the globe and guess what, we are proud to announce that one out of the three in that team is a Malaysian: Evangeline Chan, a creative and quirky Sabahan who is an economics student from Universiti Malaya. This wild card international team will compete with the rest of the competitors in their pursuit to reach Amsterdam and we’re delighted over the prospect that a Malaysian is in it!

What is Red Bull Can You Make It? It’s not a race. It’s an adventure.

  • Selected teams will start their journey at one of the five starting points in Europe: Budapest, Madrid, Manchester, Rome and Stockholm on April 10th.
  • During their week-long journey, teams must stop at a minimum of six checkpoints before reaching the finish line in Amsterdam.
  • During their journey through Europe, teams will face many obstacles and challenges but with a bit of assistance from the kind and generous folks along the way, some of their troubles will be put to ease.
  • These tenacious trios will carry special edition cans of Red Bull Energy Drink which they will use as currency to secure transportation, source a meal, or find a place to rest at the end of the day.

In 2016, 165 global teams traded Red Bull cans to live the experience of their dreams, from jumping out of a plane to getting tickets to a Champions League Game. Locally, our Malaysian representatives, the Hibiscus Tigers came in at 27th out of 165 teams and became No. 2 in social media reach in Asia.

For more details, check out Red Bull TV or visit follow Red Bull Can You Make It? on Facebook.