Just when you think you're tough enough

CrossFit Happenings

[Video] Teacher brings CrossFit into school for teenagers

Teenagers love doing CrossFit in school for a more intense challenge. (IdEdNews)
Teenagers love doing CrossFit in school for a more intense challenge. (IdEdNews)

Start them young they say, and CrossFit is changing the way school kids in Idaho, USA learn about physical activity.

CrossFit has taken the world by storm as a modern high-intensity exercise program including a variety of skills, such as weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio. These teenagers are doing ball slams, push-ups, sit-ups, step-ups and jump roping while studying the affects of physical fitness techniques, mobility and biomechanics.

“It’s a lot more intense and more of a challenge than a normal workout,” said Sierra Caudill, a student at the Vision Charter school.

School teacher Jason George shared his passion for CrossFit in physical ed class. (IdEdNews)
School teacher Jason George shared his passion for CrossFit in physical ed class. (IdEdNews)

Jason George, a former physical education teacher and now science teacher at the school, took his passion into the classroom — the principles of fitness and CrossFit. After joining Snake River CrossFit, George fell in love with the sport, which lead to him pursuing the Level 1 coaching certificate to teach CrossFit.

“When doing CrossFit, there is something you can always improve upon and that is why it gets addictive,” George said.

“Any activity is going to have injuries, but I am confident that CrossFit is much safer than other sports if it is approached in a manner consistent with their methodology. CrossFit injuries occur due to poor mechanics or mobility issues.” George said.

George hopes students will take the opportunity to train for local CrossFit competitions and become part of the fitness community.

Read more on IdEdNews.