Just when you think you're tough enough

Cross Train Obstacle Race

Spartans strengthen up with The Wrestler

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“The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing, in so far as it stands ready against the accidental and the unforeseen, and is not apt to fall.” – Marcus Aurelius

This workout is designed to have you ready for anything that we can throw at you in a race. When you are well prepared you needn’t fear the unforeseen anymore. A Spartan can simply keep calm and wrestle on to the finish.

The Wrestler


  • Dynamic warm up
  • Run/cycle/row/jump rope 5 minutes

Main set

  • 75 burpees
  • 30 squat tosses (vertical or forward) with sandbag or medicine ball
  • 5-30 bodyweight squats
  • 5-30 pull-ups
  • 5 rope climbs (or 5 x 25′ bear crawls – get low!)

Repeat main set 1-4 times, depending on ability.

Cool Down:




  1. Hi there, this is a really good article that you made. I kinda reminds me of my own vertical training program video that I posted a couple of days ago. Could you please have a look and let me know if you want to post it? I’d appreciate it a bunch, bud. Like I said, I mostly post regarding vertical jump programs but if you’ve got any ideas about what you want to see, all ideas are welcome at Merry (late) Christmas!

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