Just when you think you're tough enough

Running Tough Takes

Returning runner discovers secret in Reebok Be More Human Race 2019

It has been three years since my last official race. Pregnancy has turned me into a miserable sloth, and I had unabashedly continued to be one, until a friend introduced me to virtual race!

Reebok’s Be More Human Race 2019 turned out to be my first attempt in running a “not so short” course. Post-pregnancy, I could only manage 5km at best due to shortage of time as well as low stamina level.

I decided to challenge myself to finish an 8km route, just to boost my confidence level!

One thing I like about virtual races is that, I get to run wherever and whenever I wanted, within the stipulated time frame.

However, the only catch was that I had to complete the 8km in one setting. I very much doubted I could do this; maybe I had overestimated my true capacity.

Reebok’s Be More Human Race 2019 was held on specific weekends over three stages. Each stage catered to different levels with increasing distances as the race progressed, but I only registered for Stage 1 at Intermediate level.

On race weekend, I had put off running and thought I could never do this. However, on the last day, I decided to shake all negative thoughts from my mind and just walk one step at a time.

Slowly, the walk transitioned into slow jog and I felt better and better. Nevertheless, I also realised that, in a virtual race, you will never get motivation from other runners, unlike in a normal race! There is literally no one there to cheer you on except yourself, so I had no choice but to march on alone.

As I became more and more focused my source of motivation changed. My inner voice became clearer, my determination became stronger, and I started feeling being washed by a sense of tranquility.

The next thing I knew, I had completed my 8km walk-jog stint! HOORAH! Reebok is right, and I discovered something within me – A life in motion, is indeed the way to become our best selves!

More about the author

Siah Hui Hui has completed a few full
and half marathons ultra trail marathon and a few obstacle-related races. Now a busy working mother, she can no longer be as active as before, but she still tries her best in achieving her motto in life: “Carpe Diem!”.