Just when you think you're tough enough

Cross Train Obstacle Race

Keep training your Spartan strength

Obstacle Course races are full of surprises. This is why we train for everything. These workouts are designed to keep you strong, yet nimble, in body and mind.

The Spartan Workout of the Day (WOD) provides a road map to physical health and happiness. Our daily WOD not only helps you prepare for Spartan glory but also gets you off the couch and on the road to a happier, healthier you.

Spartan WOD Strength


Perform 1 minute of each exercise, with 10 second rest between

  • 75 jumping jacks
  • Jog 5-10 minutes
  • Dynamic warm-up – 3 movements x 2 at 25 yards each.

Main set

  • push ups
  • sit ups
  • pull ups
  • plank
  • squat jumps
  • jump rope (fast)
  • lunges
  • mountain climbers
  • flutter kicks
  • arm curls with sandbag/rock/log
  • 1-minute rest

Repeat entire sequence 1-3 times. Then, run/jog/row/walk 15 minutes

Cool Down:

