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Here’s a side of World Champion swimmer Michael Phelps you’ve never seen

Michael Phelps Under Armour commercial
Michael Phelps featured in Under Armour’s commercial shows a side the world has never seen. (Image from video)

No one ever knows how much sacrifices an athlete makes in the road to glory. Here’s a side of world champion swimmer Michael Phelps, the world has never seen.

Legacies like his are built over a lifetime like this. Michael Phelps returns in this Under Armour commercial. Even Michael himself was moved to tears when he saw the commercial for the first time.

Phelps’ story focuses on the sacrifice, the determination and spirit driving him, his legacy as the most decorated Olympian and his journey for one last shot at glory. The campaign was created in partnership with Droga5 and honour the commitment to the 24/7 grind that each athlete pushes through in order to perform in the spotlight.

The campaign speaks to the process of stepping away from the distractions presented in daily life to single-mindedly focus on training in pursuit of sporting greatness.

Michael Phelps

As the most decorated international athlete of all time, Phelps will be one of the most followed individuals competing on the world’s stage this summer in Rio de Janeiro. The film captures the intensity of his training regimen – from pushing through countless workouts in the pool and at the gym to enduring the often-brutal recovery rituals that follow.

It is within these moments, often removed from the view of cameras and spectators, that we see how Phelps has truly built his sporting legacy.

“Under Armour has been a longtime partner of mine and truly understands the ins and outs of my training. Being a part of this campaign before heading into competitions this summer is an unbelievable honour; it speaks to not only the work that has gone into my career, but also the love for my sport that makes the sacrifices and challenges everyday worth it,” said Phelps.

It’s what you do in the dark, that puts you in the light. #RuleYourself #IWILL

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