Just when you think you're tough enough


Happy 57th Birthday, Malaysia!


It has been 57 years since we proudly call ourselves a nation and not just an occupied land without an identity. With each passing year, we can all agree that we have grown to be more and more Malaysian. This culture we have all nurtured and built is not a tweak nor is it taken from any other culture, but one we can truly call it our own. To be Malaysian, is to be every race.

Two telecommunication powerhouses, Maxis and DiGi launched similar Merdeka commercials, delivering the same message. Sure it was great coincidence and possibly some major advertising awkwardness, but the combination of both poses as the most impactful reminder of all times. To be Malaysian, is to be family. And that, is our very unique culture that has already been assimilated by each and every one of us.

57 years ago, our forefathers fought to gain independence for this nation we now call home, and it is now our responsibility to safeguard our nation and culture in honor of their many sacrifices. Though the times have changed and the nation’s priorities have shifted for the better to cater to the modern economy, let us not forget what holds us together as Malaysians. Food, drinks, fashion, lingo and so many that are unique ours. We are bonded in so many ways even we cannot fathom. Our way of life has run deep and well assimilated into our very core —

You can take me out of Malaysia, but you cannot take Malaysia out of me.

Happy Birthday Malaysia for giving us a country to be proud of, a nation to call our own, a culture so unique ours and a family to call home!