Did you submit your 15.2 workout of this week’s CrossFit Games? Don’t miss your chance to rank yourself among the aspiring CrossFit athletes around the Asian continent on the Asian Championships board.
Asian Championships shares an inspiring spotlight from Central Sectional on their China-based athletes. Mark McClain from CrossFit Body in Motion, and Ben Moore from Reebok CrossFit MeWellness, are both seasoned competitors in their sport of choice though fairly new to the country.
Whilst he started out to get in better shape, McClain has been addicted ever since his first competition. He loves the variation and challenge of the sport, although he says he could do without the dreaded double-unders or rowing. He trains with the CrossFit Body in Motion affiliate and won first place in the Masters Division of Week 2.
“It keeps me feeling young and offers me a chance to stay focused on a goal other than because it’s good for me or because someone said I needed to,” says McClain.
As a lifelong athlete (basketball and rugby), Ben Moore thought he was in good shape until dropping in for his first workout, where he “got (his) ass handed to (him) by a girl half (his) size and nearly passed out from exhaustion… (he) was hooked.” He cites the CrossFit Games Open 14.5 as his favorite workout, as it allowed him to go to “a dark, dark place”.
Of competition, he feels that “training is the work, competition the reward.” Moore now sits in 6th place in the Central Sectional Qualifier and trains with the Reebok CrossFit Mewellness affiliate.
#asiachamps2015 #ACqualifier #athletespotlight #CrossFit #CentralSectional
Source: Asian Championships / Facebook