Just when you think you're tough enough


FREE Community Workout with Spartan Race Malaysia and Fuel Athletics

Photo from Facebook / Spartan Race Malaysia
Photo from Facebook / Spartan Race Malaysia
  • Date: Wed Aug 12th, 2015
  • Time: 6.30-7.30pm
  • Venue: Fuel Athletics, Bukit Damansara, KL.
  • Bring: Running shoes, exercise attire, water, a towel, and money for a group meal afterwards (optional).

AROO, Spartans! Are you preparing to dominate the Malaysia Spartan race this October?

Come to our Spartan community workout hosted by the awesome trainers at Fuel Atheletics to test your skills and get ready for your next race. There will be burpees, there will be crawling, there will be high fives! Bring your team, friends, family, kids.

Image from Facebook / Spartan Race Malaysia
Image from Facebook / Spartan Race Malaysia

This workout is appropriate for all skill levels!

Don’t worry if you’ve never put on your running shoes before. Whether you are new to this or a seasoned athlete, this workout will be tailored to your needs and abilities to make sure you get the workout you deserve. Please inform us of any limitations or concerns so we can adjust your workout appropriately.

You should bring: suitable running shoes, appropriate exercise attire, water, a towel, and money for a group meal afterwards (optional).

The workout will be held at Fuel Atheltics’ gym on the outdoor field. No need to worry about the saftey of your bags and other items since this is a secure property.

Image from Facebook / Fuel  Athletics
Image from Facebook / Fuel Athletics

RSVP at this link on EventBrite.

For more info, follow Fuel Athletics and Spartan Race Malaysia on Facebook.