Just when you think you're tough enough

Exclusive Interview

Fashion Designer now Cyclist – The legendary Key Ng

I must have turned your heads with the article title! If you are familiar with the local best fashion designers, you should know very well that Key Ng now has his brand name plastered all over Malaysia’s biggest shopping malls and greatest fashion magazines. So, here’s what we are here for: The legendary fashion icon maker – Key Ng is now not only a cyclist, he has launched a cycling line under his brand.

Now, this genius has merged his passion in both cycling and fashion and gave us something brand new and never seen. Something we would have never expect happen here! We had the honor to talk to him and dig into his brain a little…

BB: *exhales* So.. Hi Key. *nerves cracking*
KN: Hi! Thanks for making a trip here! So how can I help you?

BB: Ok. So just to start off.. Tell us a little bit of the brand name “Key Ng” and the philosophy behind the company?
KN: The brand “Key Ng” has been established since 1995 with all manufacturing processes done locally while most fabric are sourced from Osaka, Japan. A lot of quality and effort has been invested into ensuring the high standards we carry. Our design philosophy comes from the company motto:

“Stylish living is a form of art and a way of expression; Living in style is the utmost form of art!”
(Direct translation from Chinese)

It is with this drive we aim to be the best Malaysian Designer Brand, and meanwhile we are looking into entering the Taiwan and China market.

BB:  We heard about your recently launched cycling line. We would like to know how did your interest for cycling develop?
KN: Well, it was pretty straightforward. It all happened early this year when a few of my friends got the bug on me easy, I am an outdoor sport lover, so it came naturally along with my other hobbies including hiking and diving.

BB:  How about the cycling line?
I personally love how fashionable cycling outfits are and totally in love with the idea of bringing fashion into sports. Who says there’s no fashion in sports?

For the cycling line, I was inspired by the “Go Green” slogan and wanted to express this message through my designs by recycling fabric from my other collection. The line also reflected a soft side to the strong outlook via the selected fabrics.

Key Ng modelling one of his pieces
Designer Passion: Showcasing the intricate details which sets his eye apart from the rest

BB: They are so well made. It’s like cycling couture… *gulps* We see a lot of of your trademarks and icons — the structured shoulder, the louvres and futuristic look.
KN: Yes, they are my signature moves and they mean a lot to me. For example the louvres represent ascending footsteps.

Key Ng’s Cycling line showcased during MIFW 2010, named the “Green Riders’ Odyssey“:

We also had the opportunity to check out Key Ng’s manufacturing office and witnessed on first hand account the quality and detail every individual has offered.

Check out more photos here

We wanna thank Key Ng for baring his heart and sharing so much with us in a short few hours =)

Now, if you’re wondering if you can get your hands onto his pieces, you can contact him directly to order. Just to warn you, the price might be a tad high because it is couture — one and only piece.

Email him at or
Also check out the Facebook Page here for more upcoming fashion lines!

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