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“Don’t Run the Marathon Course on Monday”, Boston Athletic Association Told Runners

[Image: Boston Magazine]
The town of Hopkinton and the Boston Athletic Association put out a statement on Wednesday, “strongly urging runners to refrain from coming to the start line” of the historic 26.2-mile route or “attempting to run the marathon course”.

“In the spirit of keeping not only those who run, but the citizens of Hopkinton and its first responders safe, we are asking everyone to continue complying with the Commonwealth’s Stay-at-Home Advisory,” Hopkinton Select Board vice chairman and Boston Athletic Association liaison John Coutinho said in a statement.

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Town officials said parking restrictions will be put in place in downtown Hopkinton, around the Town Common, and anywhere else near the starting line where runners would typically congregate on Monday.

The marathon was scheduled to take place Monday, 20 April. But last month, as cases of the novel coronavirus (covid-19) continued to appear, state and local officials and the BAA made the call to postpone it until 14 September. It will be the first time in its 124-year history that the race will not be held on Patriots Day in April.

Read the full story here: Hopkinton to runners: Please don’t show up Monday and run the Boston Marathon route

Read Also: 8 Athletes You Should Follow on Instagram in Extended MCO

Article Credit:

Original Author: Steve Annear of Boston Globe

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