Just when you think you're tough enough


Collect your race packs for X3 Challenge from 03-05.06.2015

X3 Challenge

Are you ready for the X3 Challenge?

X3 Challenge is a 3 day event, with a marathon on the first day, a duathlon on second day and a triathlon on the 3rd day.

Starting with a run on the first day, add on a bike to your run on the second day and then finally adding a swim to your run and bike. It’s a progression from a run to a run / bike and finally a swim / bike / run.

Race Kit Collection

The Race Pack Collection will be held on these days:

  • 3 June – 2pm to 9pm @ Nexus Resort Karambunai, Main Ballroom
  • 4 June  – 12pm to 9pm @ Nexus Resort Karambunai, Main Ballroom
  • 5 June  – 10am to 4pm @ Nexus Resort Karambunai Main Ballroom

Do note that the Race Kit Collection Booth will be closed after 4pm on 5 June and no race kits will be issued after that time.

Please bring along your Race Kit confirmation letter for the collection of the race kit and your NRIC / Passport.  If you are collecting the race kit on behalf of your friends, please bring along their letters with their signatures on it.

You should also have received a sample of the letter from Asia Xtreme for the race kit collection. If you have not received anything, please write to

For more info, follow Asia Xtreme Adventures on Facebook here.