Just when you think you're tough enough

CrossFit Fashion

Chyna and Camille’s Hard Rock bootie WOD

Rock those 'White Bootie Shorts' in no time with Camille's WOD. (Reebok)
Rock those ‘White Bootie Shorts’ in no time with Camille’s WOD. (Reebok)

You gotta earn it to flaunt it. The ‘White Bootie Shorts’ has taken over the ‘LBD-Little Black Dress’ in the world of CrossFit.

Now a staple at the CrossFit Games, champs Chyna Cho and Camille leblanc-Bazinet have shared their Girl Power White Shorts WOD with you to get rocking in those white bootie shorts.

Cami’s White Shorts WOD

Six-time CrossFit Games competitor & 2014 Fittest Woman on Earth
5 Rounds for time:
20 jumping lunges
20 ab mat sit-ups
20 jumping squats
20 push-ups

You gotta earn it to flaunt it. (Reebok)
You gotta earn it to flaunt it. (Reebok)

Chyna’s White Shorts WOD

Work your gluteus to the maximus with this WOD.

Three-time CrossFit Games competitor
30 walking lunges
15 toes to bar
30 thrusters
400m run

20 walking lunges
10 toes to bar
20 thrusters
200m run

10 walking lunges
5 toes to bar
10 thrusters
100m run

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