Playing Mind Games: How To Gain a Winning Edge Over Your Rivals
Mind Games. When we talk about it, we would often picture ourselves in another person’s head, wreaking havoc on him – or her – and winning the battle even before it begins. This is also affectionately called “living rent free…
MIND GAP: Stay Motivated And Get a Workout Buddy
Where were you when the second CMCO was announced? Jake was at home on a work-related call presenting to his boss. For the last few months, Jake has been made to work from home due to the second wave of…
Setting Goals for a Future Gold
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on many aspects of our lives, especially in our regular workouts and training routines since the movement restrictions in March. While regulations might have relaxed over the past months, the motivation to train…
How to Conquer Your Next Race? Your Second First Event
Since the pandemic has taken a toll on many of us – both physically and mentally – life feels as though it is returning to normal. But is it? With restrictions easing over time, many of us have started hitting…