Whether on the road for vacation, work, or the holidays, a day away from the Box is no reason to go a day without a workout. Pete O’Donnell, Coach at Reebok CrossFit ONE and a Level-2 CrossFit Trainer, runs us through four equipment-free CrossFit WODs you can tackle from anywhere.
CrossFit Travel WOD #1
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups [watch demo video here]
Pistols [watch demo video here]
CrossFit Travel WOD #2
3 rounds for time of:
400m run: No matter where you’re traveling to, there has to be a place to run.
21 burpees [watch demo video here]
12 pull-ups: You can always find a ledge or door to do a pull-up. [watch demo video here]
CrossFit Travel WOD #3
4 rounds for time:
50 air squats [watch demo video here]
25 push-ups [watch demo video here]
10 burpees [watch demo video here]
CrossFit Travel WOD #4
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Burpees [watch demo video here]
Air squats [watch demo video here]
Pete hails from CrossFit Prowess in Seekonk, MA, and has been coaching CrossFit for three years. During this time, he spent ten months teaching overseas at Kandahar CrossFit while deployed in Afghanistan.
Source: Reebok.com