Just when you think you're tough enough

Bernard Hor Completed First Triathlon Race Last Year, Raring For More

True blue Penang “kia” Bernard Hor completed his first triathlon event before the pandemic started. The 38-year old father of two boys, who runs a technology company, is grateful that his wife went out of her way to understand and…

Garmin Forerunner 55 Gets Beginners Running For Under RM1000

Garmin Malaysia has announced the Forerunner® 55, an easy-to-use GPS smartwatch designed for runners to track their stats and achieve personal fitness goals. If you are a beginner at running and looking for a GPS smartwatch under RM 1000, this…

Why is Beetroot the Perfect Superfood for Runners?

Among running friends, I had been reading a lot about how beetroot benefits runners. When I heard that Joymix had a concentrated beetroot powder, I was excited to try it out. Beetroot is considered a superfood as it is packed…

Azrul Osman Rani Hopes To Return To Running Marathons Soon

Sometimes all it takes is a gadget to spark our interest. For Azrul Osman Rani, all it took was a watch to ignite his running spirit and set his feet pacing to the finish line of a marathon. Initially, the…

Safa Learnt Swimming In 4 Months To Complete IRONMAN Langkawi

Safa Marwah’s first “taste” of triathlon was in Langkawi, cheering her brother to complete the IRONMAN race. Since then, she turned from a spectator to a very passionate athlete. The Penang-born civil servant based in Putrajaya met the Chap Ayam…

Late Starter Kah Yi Makes Up For Lost Time With Podium Wins

Although she was a late starter to the triathlon and trail running parties, Chua Kah Yi, has certainly found her own way to become a competitive, podium-winning athlete. Born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, the mother of three daughters juggles…

Yvonne Lady Diana Explores Putrajaya Island in District Race

The Borneo island might have been the birth place of Kuching-nite Yvonne Lady Diana John Brian Anthony who was raised in Bintulu. However, running shoes got the better of her hence she got ‘corrupted’ and addicted to the running scene…