Just when you think you're tough enough

Cross Train Obstacle Race

Trick or treat, Spartans?

Spartan WOD

Halloween’s around the corner, and we’re not sure whether this workout is a Trick or Treat but we’re pretty sure you’ll get your Treat after.

Imagine this before your workout:

The Spartans marched more than 220 miles to Thermopylae, then fought the Persians for 3 days. Thus, this workout begins with a long run, followed by 3 rounds of punishment.


Main set

  • 10km run
  • 5 minutes rest

3 set of:

  • 100 burpees
  • 100 meter sandbag walking lunges (out)
  • 100 meter army crawl (back)
  • 100 meter bucket carry (out)
  • 5 minutes rest

Cool Down:

